Jesus of Nazareth: The True and Living Way
This eight unit course is based on the Bible verse, John 14:6. The investigation of the Gospel is designed especially for those from other religious traditions who are sincerely inquiring about Jesus of Nazareth.
Discover Your Riches in Christ
Based on the book by Dr. Lee Turner: "Many believers are not aware of the inexhaustible riches they have in Jesus Christ. Let's examine a few these precious jewels from God’s 'grace mine' and claim them as our own." 11 lessons with videos
New Testament Living
A 14 lesson study on practical, grace-based themes of Christian living. Includes audio/ video teaching by John Woodward. Based on the book: New Testament Living, by Norman Harrison.
Growing in Grace in Difficult Days
This course gives a path of Christ-centered spiritual growth. It is based on the New Testament epistles of 1,2 Peter. The five primary lessons are based on the roles of Jesus Christ as Lamb, Lord, Life, Liberator and Leader. Lesson 6 is a review.
Advanced Grace Discipleship Course
This is a 12 lesson inductive Bible study that is supplementary Dr. Turner's (Basic) Grace Discipleship Course. Video presentations with PowerPoint by John Woodward.
Discipleship Basics
"Discipleship Basics: Foundational Truths for Disciples of Jesus Christ" teaches four essential topics for Christian life and growth. Text and video messages by Dr. Phil Jones.